“从头到尾的公平”十大网赌平台推荐旨在支持未被充分代表的非裔美国男学生接受高等教育. Through targeted recruitment efforts, 该计划促进高等教育机会的公平和获取, 为学生提供持续的支持,确保他们被保留和毕业, 并扩大在工业系统技术等高需求增长行业提供劳动力机会的十大网赌平台推荐, Machine Tool Technology, and Welding and Joining Technology.
We can assist you with the following:
Program Description:
NCCER焊接和连接技术员文凭为学生在焊接行业的职业生涯做好准备. Program learning opportunities develop academic, technical, 以及获得工作所需的专业知识和技能, retention, and advancement. Program graduates receive a Welding Technology diploma, have qualifications of a welding technician, 并准备参加行业要求的资格考试. 该课程强调成功就业所必需的焊接理论和实际应用.
Career Options: 焊工、切割工、焊工和钎工-估计年薪中位数 $46,813
Program Description:
工业系统技术文凭课程是为希望成为工业系统技术员/电工的学生而设计的. The program provides learning opportunities that introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and technical knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. 此外,该计划还提供了重新培训或升级现有知识和技能的机会. 文凭课程教授工业系统技术技能,提供包括电子在内的几个工业维护领域的背景技能, industrial wiring, motors, controls, PLCs, instrumentation, fluid power, mechanical, pumps and piping, and computers. 该计划的毕业生将获得工业系统技术文凭,使他们有资格作为工业电工或工业系统技术人员就业.
Career Options: Industrial Systems Technician/Electrician, Industrial Engineering Technologists and Technicians, and Robotics Technicians. – Estimated Median Annual Salary $57,680
Program Description:
精密加工和制造文凭课程是一系列课程,为学生在机床技术领域的职业生涯做好准备. Learning opportunities develop academic, technical, 以及获得工作所需的专业知识和技能, retention, and advancement. 该计划强调机床理论和成功就业所需的实际应用的结合. 该计划的毕业生将获得精密加工和制造文凭,并具有机床技术员的资格.
Career Options: Industrial/Mechanical Maintenance Technicians, Machinists, and Millwrights – Estimated Median Annual Salary $47,381
Mrs. Deidra Dugger
Director of Equity From Start to Finish
Student Affairs